Napping Benefits
Napping is equally important to our overall mental, physical and emotional health as good nutrition and proper exercise.

Enhance Performance
Improving sleep quality positively affects athletes’ reaction times and accuracy, benefiting both athlete health and athletic performance.

Spark Creativity
Different stages of sleep allow memories to solidify and facilitate creativity through the reorganization of existing knowledge for innovation and problem solving.

Accelerate Recovery
The strategic use of naps (pre and post-training or competition) can naturally boost anabolic hormones to improve recovery.

Improve Mood
Naps improve performance level and self-confidence in task performance. People are simply more motivated for the tasks ahead.

Reduce Stress
Daytime napping stops or even reverses the process of deterioration in visual perception, thus helping individuals cope with information overload.

Enrich Learning
Even an ultra short period of sleep is sufficient to enhance memory processing.

Boost Productivity
Lack of sleep causes workers to perform at subpar levels. Researchers estimate sleep deprivation costs US companies $63 billion in lost productivity per year.

Support Health
Systematic midday napping (at least 3 times per week) is associated with a 37% lower risk of coronary heart disease.

Increase Alertness
Short rest can improve cognitive functioning and alertness, resulting in a 30% decline in attention failures from baseline measure.