British Study shows Positive Effects of Nap Pods
A study carried out by staff of the British National Health Service (NHS) has found that installations of Metronaps EnergyPods improve staff wellbeing and engagement.
The research was conducted in high acuity areas of NHS trusts and observed more than 1,000 staff over five weeks. It revealed that 37% of respondents took breaks of 30 minutes over an eight-hour period before the study started, but after the introduction of EnergyPods, this figure rose to 69%. Of those who used the pods during break time, 81% felt more alert and 84% were more energized after using them. Half of users felt more able to drive after use.
One staff member is quoted saying: “I felt calmer, like I’m able to process thoughts better.”
Another stated: “Very calming and relaxing during mid-shift to ease stress.”
The authors of the study conclude:
“We have shown consistent data that rest is important for wellbeing. We recommend the use of EnergyPods in high acuity areas.”
The NHS has long had their eyes on the negative effects of Junior doctors and other staff working long night shifts. These include a significantly greater risk of diagnostic and medication errors, as well a much greater risk of falling asleep behind the wheel following a night shift.
Recently, however, larger bodies within the healthcare industry have begun to act upon the dangerous statistics lying before them. This includes the British Medical Association who in 2018 published a Fatigue and Facilities Charter.
Following this and other publications on the subject, a £10 million funding for rest facilities have been issued by the Secretary of State. It is by these means that the NHS has been able to purchase EnergyPods and undertake the present study.
Consistent data
The findings of the new study about the effects of nap pods hardly comes as a surprise to the NHS, who in 2019 published material on the benefits of power naps during night shifts. This again builds on a larger body of evidence for the benefits of napping spanning several decades.
For Christopher Lindholst, MetroNaps Co-Founder, the new findings about the EnergyPod were also anticipated:
“This research by the NHS supports what we at Restworks have always believed: brief rest helps us to recover mentally and physically, allowing us to be at our best for the remainder of the day (or night).”
But while the benefits of having designated rest areas at the workspace are already well-known, this is the first time that a study directly relating to nap pods has been published.
About the EnergyPod

The EnergyPod is the world’s first nap pod. It features a unique patented design which helps to induce sleep faster.
EnergyPod installs are found all over the world, and the pods are used by people from all walks of life – from C-suite executives to students studying for exams – as a place to relax and rejuvenate.
Restworks is the official distributor of the EnergyPod on all continents. We are proud to be a part of helping to break “the sleep stigma” and present innovative solutions that lead to better health and wellbeing for the working population.
“Sleep is the best medicine: How rest facilities and EnergyPods can improve staff wellbeing.” Future Healthcare Journal 2021 8(3).